Hollywood Private Hospital
Part of Ramsay Health Care

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Men’s Shed makes picnic tables for Hollywood Private Hospital staff to take breaks outdoors

Apr 07, 2022

Staff at Hollywood Private Hospital will now have more opportunities to sit, relax and enjoy the surrounds with six picnic benches provided by Subiaco Community Men’s Shed.

The picnic benches have been delivered at an opportune time, with busy healthcare workers encouraged to socially distance while taking breaks, preferably outdoors and the staff cafeteria only offering take-away due to COVID-19 restrictions.

It took two days for two men to build each picnic bench. Hollywood paid for the materials and the Men’s Shed members provided the skills and labour.

Hollywood ICU Staff Development Nurse Danielle Chevrier is thrilled with the picnic tables and said it is a great initiative.

“We needed a space near the Intensive Care Unit (ICU) for staff to go and enjoy some time outdoors during their breaks,” Mrs Chevrier said.

“Along with ICU Clinical Nurse Manager Adam Coleman and Nurse Fiona Epis, we looked into ways we could source a table and chairs for staff to enjoy.

“The Men’s Shed delivered exactly what we were looking for.”

Supply and Purchasing Manager Robin Archer was so impressed with the tables, he ordered another five to install throughout the hospital campus.

The Subiaco Community Men’s Shed provides a place where men can feel included and safe while working on meaningful projects.

President Doug Stewart said making the picnic benches had been great for members, knowing they were helping support busy healthcare workers.

“We are proud healthcare workers will be able to rest on the picnic benches we have made, and enjoy the outdoors and fresh air,” Mr Stewart said.

More than 250 people attend the Subiaco Community Men’s Shed per month to work on projects for schools, hospitals, charities, residents and members.

Hollywood Private Hospital Purchasing Manager Robin Archer with Subiaco Community Men’s Shed president Doug Stewart.