Hollywood Private Hospital
Part of Ramsay Health Care

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People entering Hollywood's parking facility

There are several visitor car parks at Hollywood Private Hospital. Please refer to our hospital map for car park locations.

The majority of bays are housed in the multi-storey car park accessible via Entrance 5, off Monash Avenue.

There are also a small number of short term parking bays available outside Hollywood’s main reception via Entrance 2, Monash Avenue. For all other parking, visitors and patients should proceed to the multi-storey car park.

Visitor parking is also available at the following campus locations:

Entrance 5  Surrounding the Hollywood Medical Centre building (off Monash Avenue)
Entrance 5  Adjacent to Ramsay Clinic Hollywood (off Monash Avenue)
Entrance 6  Outside Ramsay Health Plus (off Verdun Street)
Entrance 7  Nearby to Lawrence McCarthy ward (off Verdun Street).

Please note, Hollywood has recently installed boom gates to enhance security on the campus. While there is no change to the cost of parking for visitors, visitors accessing the site via the boom gates (which are at every entrance except for Entrance 2) are required to take a parking ticket to gain access. Payment is later required at already established pay stations in the carparks before presenting the ticket (at the boom gate) to exit. Alternatively visitors can tap their credit card to enter and exit (which is when payment is be deducted).

All Visitor Parking is Pay Parking

There is limited off-campus parking available on Monash Avenue, opposite Clifton Street. However, time limits apply.

Hospital Parking Fees*

The following parking fees apply to all patients and visitors who park on the Hollywood Private Hospital campus:

Hourly $3.60
Daily $25.00
Weekly $38.00
Monthly $82.00
Five visit pass* $40.00 

Regular Visitors - Five Visit Pass

For patients who attend on a regular basis, the five visit pass*, weekly and monthly discounted car park passes are available for purchase at the following locations:

  • Security department
  • The Leslie Starcevich Day Suites front reception
  • Ramsay Clinic Hollywood front reception.

Please note the five visit pass, weekly and monthly discounted car park passes are not available for purchase by students attending training at the hospital. 

*The five visits can be used over a 12 month period.

ACROD Parking

We have 23 parking bays for ACROD Permit Holders. ACROD Permit Holders will be expected to pay for parking.

Parking Payment Methods

Multi-Storey Car Park

Payment machines accept:

  • all credit cards

  • all Australian currency notes  and coins (except fifty cent coins) – change given

Pay and Display Car Parks 

Payment machines accept:

  • all credit cards

  • all Australian currency notes  and coins (except fifty cent coins) – exact change required

Please Note: Payment machines will not accept debit cards.

Hollywood Private Hospital
Monash Avenue

Download our hospital map.

There are various entrances at Hollywood Private Hospital, as shown on our hospital map.

Entrance 2 Monash Avenue
For access to Hollywood Private Hospital main reception

Please note Drop off and short term parking only. For all other parking, please use the multi-storey car park via Entrance 5

Entrance 3 Monash Avenue
For access to the Emergency Department 
Entrance 4 Monash Avenue
For access to Hollywood Specialist Centre
Entrance 5 Monash Avenue
For access to Hollywood Medical Centre, Ramsay Clinic Hollywood, The Hollywood Consulting Centre and multi-storey car park
Entrance 6 Verdun Street
For access to Ramsay Health Plus
  • Entrance 2: Outside the hospital's main entrance
  • Entrance 3: Outside the Emergency Department
  • Entrance 4: Outside the entrance to the Hollywood Specialist Centre
  • Entrance 5: Outside the entrance to the Hollywood Medical Centre
  • Entrance 6: Outside the entrance to Ramsay Health Plus