Hollywood Private Hospital
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Unique Continence Course At Hollywood Underway

May 17, 2021

The only hospital-based Continence Nurse Specialist Course in Australia is underway at Hollywood Private Hospital.

The unique course provides 14 nurses from WA and interstate with theory and clinical placement to help people living with incontinence. 

Training and Development Manager Anne Green said the course had been running for 30 years, with graduates providing an important service to clients of all ages “with care and compassion”.

“We are the only remaining provider of such a course in Australia,” Ms Green said.

“Without this contribution to the health community there would be a devastating gap for people who live with incontinence, or struggle without knowing what options are available.

“The course meets an important need for the future development of nurses.

“It deepens and broadens attitudes, skills and knowledge of this significant health issue.”

Run by Hollywood Continence Nurse Specialist Lesley Pitman, the course involves Continence Nurse Specialists teaching and mentoring postgraduate nurses. 

It also features 40 guest speakers from a variety of specialisations such as urology, microbiology, gynaecology and sexual health including leading surgeons, paediatricians, nurse practitioners and physiotherapists.

Ms Green said an important part of the course was story-telling and personal experience.

"With 60-years nursing experience, Leslie has lots of stories to share with course candidates," Ms Green said. “The story telling really assists with their learning."

“Clients also attend the course to share their lived experiences of their journey or their life living with continence issues.”

The continence course runs for four weeks and usually attracts international nurses, but this had not been possible since the COVID-19 pandemic.

It is an accredited course with endorsement by the Australian College of Nursing as well as the Continence Nurses Society of Australia Inc (CONSA). 


Continence Nurse Specialist Course participants at Hollywood Private Hospital.